Chorus (Translation: choir).
Edition 3/5.
23×23 inches, Print on handmade
Japanese rice paper Japanese rice paper.
$ 3000.
Reenie Barrow

Reenie Barrow
places that give pleasure to the senses. In focusing my attention on specific objects, I am
publication of my book, Wreath of Dreams: Visions of Greek Villages (Kastaniotis
Most recently my attention has been focused on making flower images as metaphors. My
words, sensations, or memories.
background and relying on the balance, symmetry, and interaction between the flowers to
create its tale.
pressings… allwiththeir properLatinnames. Theyproudly gracethewalls ofmyhome
Mexico and as a tribute to renowned Mexican artists who used Calla Lilies extensively in
their photographs and paintings.
Other than my flower images, I use place as the title.
of doing thisis getting tomeet people ineach country, whetherover a cupof tea intheir
that I only hope I am giving something of value back to them.
Reenie Barrow
S e l e c t e d S o l o E x h i b i t i o n s:2021 Work sold in Fine Art Action, Doyle Auction House, NY,NY2020 Work sold in Fine Art Auction, Doyle Auction House, NY, NY2019 Reenie Barrow The Design Center at 200 Lex, NY,NY..Robert Burge 20th Century Photography2019 The Secret Life of Flowers. Galleria Casa Diana, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico2019 Calla Lilies of Mexico, Sofi’s Home Interiorismo, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico2016 NetWorks 2016, produced by Joseph A. Chazan, M.D. A documentary of selected artists will befeatured on a RI PBS broadcast. The work of the artists will be exhibited the NewportArt Museum with an accompanying catalogue.2013 Robert Burge, Twentieth Century Photographs, NY,NY, Reenie Barrow, Recent Work2012 Association of International n Photography Dealers, NY,NY, Reenie Barrow, Flora2011 Rogers Free Library, Bristol, RI Reenie Barrow..Flora2010 Association of International Photography Dealers, NY,NY Reenie Barrow, Flowers, Beds, andStonehenge2008 Robert Burge, Twentieth Century Photographs, NY, NY, Reenie Barrow, Flora2008 Association of International Photography Dealers, NY, NY, Reenie Barrow, Flora2007 Robert Burge, Twentieth Century Photographs, NY,NY, Photographs of Reenie Barrow2006 Mango Tango, St. Thomas, VI, Reenie Barrow, Metaphors..Botanical Rice Prints2006 Association of International Photography Dealers, NY, NY, Reenie Barrow, Flowers as Metaphors2005 Robert Burge, Twentieth Century Photographs, NY, NY, Reenie Barrow, Rice Prints2005 Mango Tango Gallery, St. Thomas, VI Reenie Barrow, Inside the Caribbean2005 Devonish Art Gallery, Anguilla, BWI..2004 Robert Burge, Twentieth Century Photographs, NY, NY, Reenie Schmerl Barrow, Storied Places2001 Southern Light Gallery, Amarillo College, Amarillo TX, Opening Doors in Vietnam2001 U.S. Embassy, Hanoi,Vietnamese Urban and Rural Life2001 Warwick Museum of Art, Warwick, RI, Details of Daily Life…France, Greece, Vietnam, Mexico,New England, and Sweden2000 U.S. Embassy, Hanoi, Vietnam2000 Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Providence, Rhode, Island1999 University of Rhode Island, Legacies of the Vietnam War1999 Robert Burge Twentieth Century Photographs, LTC. NY,NY, Reenie Barrow, SculpturalPhotographs1999 Cutler Design Center, Warren, RI. Recent Work1999 Gallery One, Miriam Memorial Hospital, Providence, RI1998 Robert Burge Twentieth Century Photographs, Ltd. NY, NY. New Mexico, France, and Sweden1998 Cutler Design Center, Warren, RI. Photographs of Costa Rica and Mexico1997 Rhode Island Foundation, Providence, RI. Unlocking Doors in Sweden, France and NewEngland.1996 Cutler Design Center, Warren, RI. Photographs of Sweden, France, Greece and New England .1995 Robert Burge Twentieth Century Photographs, Ltd., New York, NY. Reenie Schmerl: Recentwork. Also showing, O. Winston Link.1995 Cutler Design Center, Warren, RI. New England and Greece.1993 The Greek Institute, Cambridge, MA . Visions of a Greek Villages.1990 Quinebauag Valley Community College, Danielson, CT. Work and Days.1990 University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. Work and Days.1989 National Bank of Greece, Boston, MA . Reenie Schmerl Photographer.1988 National Bank of Greece, Boston, MA. Photographs of Greek Villages by Reenie Schmerl.1988 Lawrence Art and Antiques, Chatham, MA. Greek Villages. -
1988 Photography Center of Athens, Athens, Greece. Photographs of Greece.1987 State Capitol, Hartford, CT. Featured Connecticut Artist.1987 Zappion National Gallery, Athens, Greece. Featured Artist, International Month of Photography.1987 Lawrence Art and Antiques, Chatham, MA. Greek Villages and Connecticut Porches.1987 Camera International, Athens, Greece. Reenie Schmerl: Connecticut Porches travelingexhibition to schools and museums throughout Greece.1986 Loomis Chaffee School, Windsor, CT. Recent Work.1986 Gallery Jazz, New Haven, CT. Greek Villages.1986 Photohoros Gallery, Athens, Greece. American Porches and Greek Villages.1984 Midtown Y Photo Gallery, New York, NY. Front Porches.1982 Gnosis Gallery, New Haven, CT. French Street Scenes.1980 Artworks Gallery, Asylum Hill Artists’ Cooperative, Hartford, CT. American Front Yards :TalesFrom the Bush.1979 A.C.C.E.S.S. Gallery, San Diego CA. New Landscapes, San Diego Neighborhoods.1978 Archetype Gallery, New Haven CT. Flash Series.S e l e c t e d J o i n t E x h i b i t i o n s:2022 Providence Art Club, Members Show2022 Newport Annual, National Jurried show, Newport, RI2021 Newport Annual, National jurried show, Newport, RI2020 Newport Annual, National jurried show, Newport, RI2019 Providence Art Club, Barrow, Heydt, McKenzie Philbrick2019 Rhode island Art League elected members exhibition,Providence, RI2019 Linden Place Invitational, Bristol RI Members of the Providence Art Club2019 Barrow, Heydt, Philbrick, McKenzie at the Providence Art Club, Providence, RI2019 H.P. Lovecraft Exhibition at the Providence Art Club, juried exhibition2019 Art in Bloom, Blithewold Mansion , Gardens & Arboretum2019 Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI, annual juried members’ show2019 Providence Art Club, Members Show2018 Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI, annual juried members’ show2018 Providence Art Club, Members Show2017 Providence Art Club, Providence RI, Members show2016 Small Works, Dedee Shattuck Gallery, Westport, MA2016 Little Pictures Show, Providence Art Club, Providence,RI2016 Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI, annual juried members’ show2015 Rhode Island Art League at the Newport Art Museum2015 Art in Bloom, RI Federation of Garden Clubs, Roger Williams Botanical Center, Providence, RI.2015 Association of International Photographers Dealers, New York Armory, Park Avenue,NY,NY,Robert Burge Gallery. Reenie Barrow, featured photographer2015 Dedee Shattuck Gallery, Westport, MA, Botanica2015 Joseph Bellows Gallery, La Jolla, California, Living Arrangements, eight photographers recordingimpressions of Southern California in the 70s2015 Providence Art Club, Providence RI, Three Photographers, Reenie Barrow, Eileen McCarneyMuldoon, & Ron Rosenstock Three Visions, One Passion2014 Doyle New York, the Robert Burge Collection2014 Providence Art Club, Members Exhibition, Second Place Pasquale Masiello Award2013 Art Leage of Rhode island, Providence Art Club, Members Exhibition2013 Providence Art Club, Members Exhibition, Dr. Stanley Summer Award for outstandingphotography2012 Dedee Shattuck Gallery, Westport, MA, Contour: Reflections on Form..Reenie Barrow and JoshuaEnck2012 Art League of Rhode Island, Jamestown Arts Center..Visit, View and Collect….2012 Bristol Art Museum, Bristol, RI. Revealing and Concealing…Four Women Photographers2012 Providence Art Club, Providence, RI Members Exhibit, Honorable Mention2011 Providence Art Club, Providence, RI Members Exhibition, Honorable Mention2011 Providence Art Club, Summer Exhibit, First Place Edward Bannister Award2010 Providence Art Club, Providence,RI The Secret Life of Flowers..Reenie Barrow and PenelopeManzella
2010 Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI, Haitian Relief Fundraiser
2010 The Art of Excellence, Art League of Rhode island 10thAnniversary Show, Rhode island Schoolof Design, Providence RI2010 Providence Art Club, Summer Show, Providence, RI2009 The Photograph Now, Invitational Exhibition, Bristol Community College, Fall River, MA2009 Providence Art Club, Members’ 2009 Exhibition, Providence, RI, Second Place William BrighamAward2008 Association of International Photography Dealers, Reenie Barrow, Overview, NY, NY2008 Art League of Rhode Island, Annual Exhibition, Bristol Art Museum, Bristol, RI2008 10thAnnual Fidelity Investments All Media Juried Exhibition, Providence Art Club2008 The Providence Art Club, New Members2007 The Association of International Photography Art Dealers, NY,NY2007 The Providence Art Club, Members’ Show2007 Art League of Rhode Island, Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI2006 Green River Gallery, Bristol, RI….Three Artists, Three Viewpoints2006 Newport Art Museum, Art League of Rhode Island2004 Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, NM, 3rdannual Photo Auction2004 A & C Fine Art, East Greenwich, RI, Celebrate Art- The Art League of Rhode Island2003 Bristol Art Museum 25 Years, Outstanding Exhibitors2003 5thAnnual Juried All Media Competition, Fidelity Investments, Providence Art Club, RI2003 Third Annual Members’ Exhibition, Art League of Rhode Island, University of RI2002 Bristol Art Museum, Bristol, RI, Made in Cuba,…Reenie Barrow, Laura Colella, Tom Morrissey,David Wells2002 Manuel Alvarez Bravo Center of Photography, Oaxaca, Mexico, Oaxaca Portraits2002 Virginia Lynch Gallery, Little Compton, RI, The Art League of Rhode Island2001 Havana Center for Photography, Havana, Cuba, Reenie Barrow – Cuban Interiors, Reenie Barrowand Stephen Whittelsey, Where is Elian?2000 Fidelity Investments, Smithfield, RI New Acquisitions2000 Warwick Art Museum, Vietnam Revisited2000 Providence Art Club and Fidelity Investments, A Celebration of RI Arts and Artists2000 Bristol Art Museum, Bristol,RI, Something in the Air1997 The American Heart Association, RI. Affiliate, Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI the healingheART.1997 Bristol Art Museum, Bristol, RI. Common Ground: Pairs of Artists- Bart Parker and Rita DeWitt,Olivia Parker and Jonathan Sharlin, Darrell Matsumoto and Alexandra Broches, Jane Lazerowand Reenie Barrow. Curator and exhibitor.1994 Bristol Art Museum, Bristol, RI. Reenie Schmerl Photographer and John Udvardy, Sculptor.1994 Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, RI. National Museum of Women in the Arts, RhodeIsland Women Speak.1992 Sun Valley Center Gallery, Sun Valley, ID. Contemporary American Photographers: BarbaraMcElhinny, Gaylord Herron, Brney Imes, and Reenie Schmerl.1992 National Photography Museum of Greece, Athens, Greece.1987 Slater Memorial Museum, Norwich, CT. Eight Women Photographers.1987 The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL. An Exhibition of Recent Acquisitions.1987 Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT.1987 Aetna Art Gallery, Hartford, CT. The Chair in Art.1987 University of Lowell, Lowell, MA. Invitational Exhibition.1986 Promenade Gallery, Bushnell Memorial Auditorium, Hartford, CT. Inaugural Exhibition: FourPhotographers: Ellen Carey, Marna Clarke, Charles Reich and Reenie Schmerl.1986 Carlson Gallery, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT. The New England Landscape – TomHricko, Keith Johnson, Reenie Schmerl, Timothy Feresten, Ted Hendrickson and RobertHennessey.1986 Benton Museum, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.1985 Connecticut Artists Showcase, New Haven, CT. Five Connecticut Artists: selected by the curatorof the Yale Art Gallery.1984 Connecticut College, New London, CT. Reenie Schmerl and Sandy Hale, Recent Work.1984 Pennsylvania State College, State College, PA. National Competition.1984 Erie Center for the Arts, Erie, PA . Photonational.1984 Los Angeles, CA. International Art Competition.1983 City University of New York, Brooklyn, NY. Four Photographers, J. Ross Baughman, TomPatton, Reenie Schmerl, and Michael Spano.1983 Sante Fe, NM. Film and Photo Invitational: A Survey of American Photography and IndependentFilm.1982 Crealde School of Art, Winter Park, FL. The Landscape national competition.1981 Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT. Eleven Connecticut Award Recipients fromthe Connecticut Commission on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.1981 Woman’s Building, Los Angeles, CA. Women on the Scene.1981 Wardsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, CT. Artworks at the Athenaeum.1981 New England School of Photography, Boston, MA. Reenie Schmerl Urban and Rural Landscapephotographs and recent work of Dan Younger.1981 New Bedford, MA. The Swain School of Design Invitational Photography Exhibition travelingexhibition of 12 New England photographers.1980 Keene State College, Keene, NH. Into the Eighties: New England Photography travellingexhibition.1980 Artworks Gallery, Hartford, CT. National competition Self Portrait.1980 Brockman Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. Women on the Scene, Eleven American WomenPhotographers.1979 San Diego Art Institute, San Diego, CA.1978 Slater Museum, Norwich CT. The Family.1978 International Center of Photography, Educational Gallery, New York NY.
P U B L I C A T I O N SM o n o g r a p h s a n d B o o k s:Town & Country Magazine, photograph featured in an article, Life in Red Velvet, the collectionof Phillip Sarofim, February, 2022Renewing the Dream: from parking to Places in Southern California, photograph of –Clairemont CA included. Publisher, Woods Bagot, 2022Reenie Schmerl Barrow, The Wreath of Dreams: Visions of Greek Villages. Poetry Selectionsand Translations by Athan H. Anagnostopoulos. Athens: Kastaniotis Editions, 1992.Richard G. Tansey and Fred S. Kleiner (eds.), Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, Tenth Edition.New York: Harcourt Brace College Publisher, 1996.Cheryl Moch (ed.), Feels Like Home. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 1995Treasures of State: Fine and Decorative Arts in the Diplomatic Reception Rooms of theU.S. Department of State. New York: Harry Abrams, Inc., 1991.Nicholas Gage, A Place for Us: Eleni’s Children in America. Boston: Houghton MifflinCompany, 1989.Nicholas Gage, Hellas: A Portrait of Greece. Villard Books, 1987.Ann and Samuel Charters.Literature and Its Writers, Second Edition, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2001Ann and Samuel Charters, Blues Faces, A Portrait of the Blues,Godine, 2001Photography Quarterly,Center for Photography at Woodstock, Exploring the World ofContemporary Photography…featured artist selected by Robert Mann, Robert Mann Gallery,NY,NYE x h i b i t i o n C a t a l o g s a n d P e r i o d i c a l s:Tsepelovo, Memories of a Greek Village, 2 volumes 2018Artscope, New England’s Premier Culture Magazine, January/February 2017, Art as Impetusin Rhode islandNetworks 2015 and 2016, produced by Joseph A. Chazan, M.D. Showcasing and celebrating thework of 24 Rhode Island artists.Doyle, New York, January 15, 2014, Auction, The Yale Burge CollectionRhode Island Monthly,March, 2013 featured in an article, Artful LivingArchitectural Digest, A Private Home in Telluride, February, 2006Photography, Center for Photography at Woodstock, Spring 2002 issue, Photography Now,selections by Robert Mann. What’s new? What’s Now?Country Living, Hearst Publications, Bristol on the 4th of July, July, 2001Country Living, Hearst Publications, A House in the Country, May, 2001Country Living, Hearst Publications, Simple Country Pleasures, May, 2000Country Living, Hearst Publications, American Icons, Windsor Chairs. 1999Country Living, Hearst Publications, Featured artist on cover and in Our House of the Year, ADream House for You to Build spread, February, 1997Visions Toward Wellness, The Arts and Healthcare: A Partnership in Healing Conference,Providence RICountry Living, Hearst Publications, Country Classics You Can Buy, September, 1996The Chair in Art, Aetna Art Gallery, Hartford, CT, 1987Photograph, Athens, Greece, Reenie Schmerl, A Portfolio, 1987Camera International, Hellenic Center of Photography, Athens, Greece, International Month ofPhotography, Featured Artist 1985Images, A Connecticut Photography Show Retrospective 1982-1986, Hartford, CT., 1986State of the Arts, Connecticut Commission on the Arts, summer edition, Featured Artist, 1985The Finished Print, Farmington Valley Arts Center, Farmington, CT, 1985The Finished Print, Farmington Valley Arts Center, Farmington, CT, 1984Photonational, Erie Center of the Arts, Erie, PA, 1984American Photographer, April, 1982Points of View, Keene State College, Keene, New Hampshire, 1980Reenie Barrow Flora, 2012 Robert Burge/Twentieth Century Photographs, Ltd., NY,NYMOTION PICTURESSide by Each, City Pound Production..Richard Allen, writer and director, featuring Blythe Dannerand Larry Bryggman…still photographer 2006Stay Until Tomorrow, No Tribes Film/Sundance Institute Production, Laura Collella, writer anddirector..still photographer..2002Tax Day. Lucky Pictures production. Laura Collela, writer and director. John Laval, producer.1997, Providence, RI..still photographerTemporary Girl. Temporary Films production. Lisa Kotin, writer and co-director. Johnny White,producer and co-director. 1997, Chicago, ILStill PhotographerImmunizing Children and The Dangers of Lead Paint, still photographer, produced by the RhodeIsland Department of Health, 1998 (used in publicity campaign throughout state)H O N O R S A N D G R A N T SNetworks 2016 A showcase of 12 Rhode Island artists selected by Joseph A. Chazan, MD,featured in museum exhibitions, individual videos created by Richard Goulis screened ingalleries, museums, and on PBS, and featured in a Catalogue produced by Dr. ChazanKostas Macadonias Award, Ministry of Culture of Greece and the Hellenic Center ofPhotography. Presented every two years to four individuals “for their contribution to Hellenicphotography and to the culture of Greece through photography,” Athens, Greece.
Individual Artist Grant, Connecticut Commission of the Arts, 1980First Prize ( for the series, In the Footsteps of Atget in Paris) Shoreline Alliance for the Arts,ConnecticutFirst Prize, Photonational, Erie Center for the Arts, Erie, PAFirst Prize, Providence Art Club,2011Outstanding photography award, Providence Art Club 2011, Providence RI, 2012,Second Prize, Providence Art Club, 2009Dr. Stanley Summer Award for outstanding photography, Providence Art Club, Providence, RI2013Pasquale Masiello Award, Second Place, Providence Art Club, 2014C O L L E C T I O N SPfizer Art CollectionFidelity InvestmentsU.S. Embassy, Hanoi, VietnamNew York Public Library Collection, NY, NYConnecticut Bank and TrustArt Institute of ChicagoReaders DigestMerrill LynchIBMMuseum of Fine Arts, Houston, TexasThe National Photography Museum of GreeceJoseph A. Chazan, M.D.Numerous private collectionsE D U C A T I O NB.A., University of California, Berkeley