Sarkis Diranian
Sarkis Diranian
Sarkis Diranian
“Sheep on pasture”
13″x10″, oil on canvas
$ 10,000.
Sarkis Diranian (1854-1918)
Diranian was born in Constantinople. Later moving to Paris to pursue his art, he won the Honorable Mention in 1892 and another one at the Exposition Universelle (World Fair) in 1900In 1927, Sarkis Diranian painted a portrait of Governor Norman S. Case in the Rhode Island State House.
Brown University has one of the good collections of Sarkis Diranian paintings in the US. Between 1885 and 1895, portraits of Chancellor William Goddard and his wife Edith Jenckes Goddard were both painted by Sarkis Dianian. They are still in the Brown University collection in Rhode Island along with Diranian’s other paintings